— ——Nils Köhn—— —

Transiting started with his passion for cars and his early decision as young child to become an transportation designer. Nils stayed focus, and followed his will. On his path, during his studies, it shifted to product design, but the passion always remained. Nils is interested in the innovative use of materials, driving function, production efficiency and aesthetics.

Nils thinks in 3D, in forms, in materials, in processes. He loves solving problems. He collaborates closely with Felix Götze and together they are formuse .

— ——Fabienne Reybet-Degat—— —

Being in transit is a well known state for Fabienne... Being Eurasian, from a French father and a Hong-Kong Chinese mother, having spent her childhood split between 6 different countries, Fabienne has always been exposed to intercultural exchanges. She developed very young a taste for traveling and exploring. The need of adaptation made her a curious and open-minded person, ready to explore new things. It shaped her fluid creativity, and brought her a natural freedom to discover and experiment with many different media.

Fabienne thinks in sequences, movements, colors, sounds, shapes and spaces.

Let’s get inspired together